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Scientific journal 2013, №4
Key title: Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov
Abbreviated key title: Fiz. vosp. stud.
ISSN 2075-5279 (Print), ISSN 2223-2125 (online).
Founders: Kharkov regional branch of national olympic committee of Ukraine. Publishing house KSADA.
Iermakov S.S., Kharkov, Ukraine.
Scientific consultant:
Zaporozhanov V.A., Ol’shtyn, Poland.
Editorial college:
Abdelkrim Bensbaa, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Bizin V.P., Kremenchug, Ukraine.
Boychenko S.D., Minsk, Byelorussia.
Dmitriev S.V., Lower Novgorod, Russia.
Fathloun Mourad, Kef, Tunisia.
Görner Karol, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia.
Giovanis Vassilios, Athens, Greece.
Jagello Wladislaw, Gdans’k, Poland.
Jorge Alberto Ramirez Torrealba, Maracay, Venezuela.
Kamaev O.I., Kharkov, Ukraine.
Korobeynikov G.V., Kiev, Ukraine.
Corona Felice, Salerno, Italy.
Leikin M.G., Portland, USA.
Malinauskas Romualdas, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Maciejewska-Karlowska Agnieszka, Szczecin, Poland.
Nosko N.A., Chernigov, Ukraine.
Prusik Krzysztof, Gdans’k, Poland.
Sawczuk Marek, Szczecin, Poland.
Tkachuk V.G., Kiev, Ukraine.
Yan Wan Jun, Shijiazhuang, China.
A journal is ratified the Higher attestation commission of Ukraine: (physical education and sport, pedagogical sciences) Decision of Presidium N1-05/3 - 08.07.2009, N1-05/7 - от 10.11.2010.
A journal is reflected in databases:
Academic Journals Database
CABI (CAB Direct)
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
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Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
V.I.Vernadskiy National Library of Ukraine
Electronic Library of Russia (Russian science citation index)
Library of the Russian state university of physical culture, sport and tourism
Certificate to registration:
KB 15179-3751 PR от 25.03.2009.
Frequency - 6 numbers in a year.
Address of editorial office:
Ukraine, 61068, Kharkov-68, P.O.Box 11135.
Tel. /fax: (057) 706-15-60;
e-mail: sportart@gmail.com
Belykh S.I.
Structure of the concept of personality oriented physical
education university students
3 |
Briskin Y.A., Pityn M.P., Zadorozhnaya O.R.
Structure and content of fencers’ theoretical training
10 |
Vorfolomeeva L.A.
Individualization of training process as a leading
construction of skiers’ training component in preparation for higher
15 |
Dudorova L.J.
Conceptual approaches to vocational and tourism
training of teachers in higher education institutions
19 |
Emshanova Y.O.
Comparative analysis of individual peculiarities
for tennis players of different qualification
23 |
Ivaskiene V.P., Skyriene V.V., Markevičius V.Z.
Comparative analysis of prestart condition of students
girls in Olympic and non-Olympic kinds of sport
27 |
Kedrovskiy B.G., Shalar O.G., Grinevich A.V.
Understanding of coaches with young athletes
31 |
Kovaleva M.V., Rumba O.G.
Active games in physical education students of
special medical group with limited capacity of cardiovascular system
35 |
Kramida I. E.
Exercises for students of different medical groups as
factors of the weakening bad habits at students
46 |
Kugayevskiy S.O.
Innovative ways of special endurance of skaters in
the competition period
51 |
Latyshev S.V.
The development of assessment scales of physical
training of wrestlers at the stage of basic specialized training
55 |
Lyulina N.V., Zakharova L.V., Vetrova I.V.
Effect of complex acrobatic elements in the development
of physical skills of preschool children
55 |
Muntian V.S.
Definition of biomechanical parameters of technical
actions in the martial arts
63 |
Pashkevich L.P.
A structure of morbidity and prevalence of
illnesses of the respiratory system in Ukraine
68 |
Roters T. T.
Physical improvement of students during interactive
physical and aesthetic education
72 |
Sergienko V.N.
Evaluation of integrated testing the maximum force
of students aged 17 - 20 years
77 |
Sobko I. N.
Characteristics of competitive activity of
qualified basketball with hearing impairment compare to qualified healthy
basketball player
82 |
Tyshchenko V.A.
Research of the role of self-consciousness on the
efficiency of sportsmen rehabilitation
87 |
Tropin Y.M.
Comparative analysis of technical and tactical
preparedness Greco-Roman style wrestler at the Olympic Games-2008 and the
Olympic Games-2012
92 |
Mehrdad Hefzollesan, Sohrab Ghalehgir, Mostafa Ekrami.
The effect of 36 hours sleep deprivation on
dribbling skills of soccer players
97 |
Nooshing Benar, Ayoub Behrozi, Manizheh Mansor Sadeghi, Mahdi Mohammadi,
Maryam Yosefi.
The consideration of attitude and motives relative to
leisure time activities in students of Guilan University, Iran
101 |
(For more detailed information see http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/trebovaniya-e.html)
Structure of article:
- title of an article;
- surname, full first name and patronymic;
- full name of organization (place of work or study);
- annotation in three language (Russian, Ukrainian, English). The scope of the annotation is to be 800-1000 symbols. Annotation must contain translate of surname, full first name and patronymic of authors, in Ukrainian (Russian) and English. Structure of annotation: aim, material, result. For authors from Russia, the translation in the Ukrainian language makes editorial board.
- Key words for the three languages: ( 1-2 lines of words. Do not use word combinations).
- Introduction (statement of a problem; analysis of the last researches and publications of this theme; to single out the open problem in the research article).
- Connection of the article with important scientific programs or practical tasks.
- Aim, tasks, material and methods.
- Results of the research (description of the main research material with full substantiation of the derived scientific results).
- Findings.
- Perspectives of future researches in this direction.
- Bibliographic references (more than 10) should be making up according to standard form.
(For more detailed information see http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/recenzirovaniye-e.html)
All manuscripts submitted for publication must go through the review process.
TREATMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS (For more detailed information see http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/rassmotreniye-e.html)
Manuscripts are assessed by the Editorial Board within 1 month.
The Journal will acknowledge receipt of a manuscript within 2 days.
EDITORIAL ETHICS (For more detailed information see http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/ethics-e.html)
The journal is committed to a high standard of editorial ethics.
Editorial board is used the principles of ethics of scientific publications upon recommendations of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
Conflicts of interests of persons who have direct or indirect relation to the publication of an article or any information that the article consist are settled according to the law of Ukraine in the field of intellectual property.
box 11135, Kharkov-68, 61068, Ukraine
phone. (38057) 706-28-08;
fax: (38057) 706-15-60;
e-mail: sportart@gmail.com
Information Sponsors, Partners, Sponsorship:
Belgorod State Shukhov Technological University,
National Research University Belgorod State University,"
Siberian State Aerospace University,
Olympic Academy of Ukraine,
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
Physical Education of
Students. 2013, vol.4, 112 p.
Editorial to the publisher department KSADA:
certificate DK №860 20.03.2002.
designer - Masterova Y.
editing - Iermakova T.
editing - Krasnikova S.
designer cover - Bogoslavets A.
administrator of sites - Ulanchenko Y.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
passed for printing 30.04.2013.
Format A4.
Red Banner str. , 8, Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.