Shul'ga L.M., Rudkovskaya T.I.

National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine

Annotation. Aim - is to develop the approach to technical complexity estimation of free routine composition in synchronized swimming. Were analyzed and considered free routine compositions of the strongest swimmers in European and World Championships during the period under study (2008-2011). In the research took part 32 qualified athletes different ages. Were determined the options of the constructed of free program and location the combination saturation in those programs. Were established complicated elements distribution by the minutes of the free routine composition performance and developed the approach to technical complexity estimation of free routine composition (solo) for using in training and competitive activity for qualified athletes in synchronized swimming. The total time of breath-holding makes up 40% of the time of the whole free routine composition.

Key words: synchro, free, routine, elements, approach, technical, complexity, estimation.

Аннотация. Шульга Л.М., Рудковская Т.И. Оценка соревновательной активности в синхронном плавании. Цель - разработать методику оценки технической сложности произвольной композиции квалифицированных спортсменок в синхронном плавании. Рассмотрены и проанализированы произвольные композиции сильнейших спортсменок на чемпионатах Европы и мира за период 2008-2011 г.г., в исследовании приняли участие 32 спортсменки разного возраста. Были определены варианты построения произвольной программы и расположения комбинационной насыщенности в ней. Выявлены подходы и варианты распределения сложных элементов по минутам выступления в произвольной композиции. Также была разработана методика оценки технической сложности (соло) произвольной композиции для применения, как в тренировочной, так и в соревновательной деятельности квалифицированных спортсменок в синхронном плавании. Установлено, что полное время задержки дыхания составляет 40% свободной композиции программы.

Ключевые слова: синхронное, плавание, произвольная, композиция, элементы, методика, техническая, сложность, оценка.

Анотацiя. Шульга Л.М., Рудковськая Т.I. Оцiнка змагальноi активностi в синхронному плаваннi. Мета: розробити методику оцiнки технiчноi складностi довiльноi композицii квалiфiкованих спортсменок у синхронному плаваннi. Розглянуто i проаналiзовано довiльнi композицii найсильнiших спортсменок на чемпiонатах европи та свiту за перiод 2008 - 2011 р., у дослiдженнi прийняли участь 32 спортсменки рiзного вiку. Були виявленi варiанти побудови довiльних програм та розташування комбiнацiйноi насиченостi у нiй. Виявленi пiдходи та варiанти розподiлу технiчно складних елементiв по хвилинах виступу у довiльних композицiях. Також була розроблена методика оцiнки технiчноi складностi (соло) довiльноi композицii для застосування, як у тренувальнiй, так i у змагальнiй дiяльностi квалiфiкованих спортсменок в синхронному плаваннi. Встановлено, що повний час затримки дихання складае 40% вiльноi композицii програми.

Ключовi слова: синхронне, плавання, довiльна, композицiя, елементи, методика, технiчна, складнiсть, оцiнка.


According to experts, it is typical for the up-to-date competition programs to become gradually more and more elaborated and complicated [1, 2, 5]. For free routine compositions performed by the strongest sportswomen it has become characteristic to increase dramatically the complexity of their performance, which is due to rise in the number of the free routine composition components, primarily, at the expense of complicated elements in the free routine composition, of increase in length of breath-holding relative to the total composition time, rise of technical complexity, which combined with the high accuracy of the components and connective elements in the performance, high tempo together with artistic skills may allow sportswomen to hold leading positions in the world rating charts [2, 4, 6-10]. The specialists in the synchronized swimming don't have common view about how is possible to objectively estimate free routine composition and which data has to consist the methodology. Solutions of these questions can improve the quality and effectiveness of training process.

It determines actuality of the chosen topic and scientific need for development.

Aim, tasks, methods and material of research.

The aim of the research - is to develop the approach to technical complexity estimation of free routine composition in synchronized swimming.

Methods of the research:

In the research took part 32 qualified athletes different ages. We watched 32 video recording free routine compositions during the 2008 - 2011 on the European and World Championships.

Research results and their discussion.

Free routine compositions analysis of the world’s strongest swimmers during the period under study (2008-2011) revealed rise in the number of complicated components, requiring tour de force: repeated push-outs in upside-down position together with different position changes, with position locks and prolonged spinning rotations, popping with various hand positions, multiple fast upright spins and rotations in different planes.

In free routine finalists’ compositions at the world’s championships and at the ones of Europe one of the leading places belongs to such spinning movements as rotations, fast upright spins, vortexes (swirls), which relate to the group of movements with high factor of technical complexity. Thus, their quantity in the free routine composition as well as the quality of their performance substantially influence total index of technical complexity of the composition being performed.

The use of various rotations in the free routine composition can get it to be not only more spectacular and interesting from the artistic point of view but also may make the conceived performance far more complicated, which, in its turn, raises high demands for both technical and specific physical qualifications.

One of the most important features of the free routine synchronized swimming composition is its complexity. Principal structural elements of the free composition which characterize its technical complexity are the connective ones, i.e. a set of the elements fulfilled by the swimmer while the breath is being held. Connective elements comprise a number of components and motions having various length of their performance and also are characterized by different levels of technical complexity.

In synchronized swimming, it is accepted to break connective elements into the following groups - simple, medium-complicated and complicated (advanced) depending both on the quantity of the elements and on their complexity as well.

The connective element which consists of 2-3 components, 2D figures and simple motions is considered simple. Connective movements of medium complexity comprise 4-8 elements, in which complicated motions are combined with simple ones. Connective movements comprising 9-12 elements are related to complicated, including such elements which require prolonged breath-holding, lifted-up extremities position lock, changes in pace of the movements being performed depending on the rhythm of musical accompaniment.

Moreover, in order to improve spectacularity, free routine composition should be directed towards the main grandstands of the pool, so that the most effective, culminating moments might be seen by the judges and audience in the most advantageous view. Our research suggests that in the majority of cases, the best sportswomen of the world gain additional points for building up the trajectory of their movement in the pool during the performance - sometimes up to 3-4 points - to their advantage on the basis of this statement.

One of the factors taken into consideration by us in the present analysis, was the length of swimming in the free routine composition. While estimating the free composition, the judges also evaluate the distance covered by the swimmer during the performance on the surface of the pool which must comprise over 50 m. The distance covered by the sportswoman in fulfilling her free composition correlates with the level of her mastery skills and performance effectiveness - the length of the swimming trajectory of the world’s best swimmers during the free routine composition performance comes up to 90 - 100 meters. Analysing the best swimmers free routine compositions it can be concluded that the length of swimming may be increased at the expense of the following factors:

- by increasing the speed of motion;

- by increasing the quantity of the elements carried out in motion: push-outs, swimming over-and underwater;

- by reducing static elements in number.

Furthermore, in estimating free routine compositions it was taken into account how many complicated connective movements and separate elements of high complexity both at the beginning and at the end of the composition were included into the free composition by the swimmers.

The research done by us into the distribution of the complicated elements under breath-holding and by the minutes of the performance revealed that there are existing a number of options to create combinative intensity in the free routine compositions for qualified sportswomen in synchronized swimming (рic. 1).

The research revealed that all the finalists of the World and European Championships possessed the following options of combinative intensity distribution by the minutes of their free routine compositions performance (рic. 1):

Picture 1. Options of the complicated elements distribution by the minutes of the free routine composition performance.

  • High level of the combinative intensity in the 1st minute, which reduced by the beginning of the 3rd minute and stabilized by the end of the performance (option 1);
  • High level of combinative intensity in the 1st minute of the performance which reduced considerably by the end of the 2nd minute, and the increased slightly by the 3rd minute and finally stabilized in the 4th minute (option 2);
  • Medium level of combinative intensity in the 1st minute,which increased in the 2nd minute, then fell slightly by the 3rd minute and stabilized or increased in the final part (option 3);
  •  High level of combinative intensity in the 1st minute which gradually fell by the 3rd minute and rose in the 4th minute of the performance (option 4).

In individual cases, there has been revealed even distribution of combinative intensity over a period of the whole performance.

The index of the free routine composition technical complexity is the criterion of the technical preparation, which is a part of sport mastery skills. The criterion of sport mastery skills results in the expected sport outcome.

Consequently, the estimate of the free routine composition in the view of its technical performance and the index of its technical complexity which are tightly coupled with each other thus identifying the level of the swimmer’s mastery skills influences sport outcome considerably.

On the basis of the analysis of the free routine compositions of the finalists at the World and European Championships in 2008-2011 (n = 32), there were identified by us several main components of the performance estimated by judges: main elements of the composition, connective movements, their complexity and performance quality, artistic impression on the viewers. There was also designed by us the approach to the technical complexity estimation of the free composition (solo performance), which provides for the analysis of the structural elements of the composition.

The approach to the freestyle composition estimation designed by us provides for the quantity registration, length of the elements performance and connective movements of the composition, their level of complexity, performance accuracy, elements distribution, movements of different levels of complexity in the composition.

The approach to the estimation of the free routine composition technical complexity comprises three main blocks:

  1. differential estimation of connective movements: characteristics of the connective movements complexity (simple, medium-complicated and complicated); accuracy of the connective movement performance (centrality holding - body position holding is to be estimated relatively to one of the planes while the figure or the element is being performed);height of the body position lock; height of the overwater lifted-up extremities holding;

  2. estimation of the body position height in egbite;

  3. artistic impression: artistic skills, (ability to reveal the idea and the depth of the performance, arousing corresponding emotional experience of the judges and the audience); conformity of the carried out motion with music and artistic image.

All the awarded points are summed up and the integral estimate is calculated reflecting the level of the technical complexity of the free routine composition.

Additionally, without awarding points, there are also estimated such qualities as:

- quality of the elements which the connective movement consists of and the quantity of the complicated elements in the connective movement; length of the connective movement (is calculated from the beginning of the swimmer’s immersion under water until the moment of the appearance over the water surface and is fixed in seconds);

- temporal and quantitative operation factors of the composition: total composition time; total quantity of connective movements, egbite position quantity, time of egbite performance; total quantity and total time of swimming; popping (total time of breath-holding sec, percentage of the time of breath-holding relative to the total time of the composition performance, %);

- swimming length and trajectory over the surface of the pool, is depicted with lines depending on both how and in which direction the sportswoman swam and is calculated in the total number of the meters covered by the swimmer while performing the composition.

With the purpose to improve and raise the effectiveness of qualified sportsmen training in synchronized swimming, rational creating and filling the composition, unbiased officiating and registration optimization of the main elements of the freestyle composition on the whole and in parts (individual elements or motions), we have designed and approved of the approach to the estimation of the free routine composition (solo) (table.1).

Table 1

Approach to the free routine composition estimation (solo)

Competitions, date, city:

Sportsman’s full name, country:

Points for technical performance:

Points for artistic impact:

Total points (score):

Estimation criteria

tive 1

Egbite and swim-

tive 2

Egbite and swim-

tive 3

Egbite and swim-

tive 4

Egbite and swim-

tive 5

Egbite and swim-

tive 6

Egbite and swim-

tive 7

Egbite and swim-

Quantity of the elements

Quantity of complicated elements

Connective element length (sec)

Quantity of push-outs:

- including rotations:




- without rotations

Quantity of fast upright spins

Quantity of rotations

Time of preparatory underwater action (sec)

Connective element characteristics:

- simple (0 )

- medium complicated (4)

- сomplicated (8)

Accuracy of connective element performance:

- centrality holding(1/0)

Lifted-up extremities position lock:

- low (0)

- average (3)

- higher than average (6)

- maximal(9)

Overwater extremities height:

- maximal(15)

- higher than average (10)

- average (5)

- low(0)

Σ of points:

Egbite and swimming movements:

Height in egbite position:

- maximal (6)

- higher than average (4)

- average (2)

- low (0)

Σ of points:

- duration of performance in egbite position (sec)

- quantity of poppings

- quantity and duration of swimming movements in the "upright angle with two" position (times / sec)

-quantity and time of swimming movements in the "upright angle with one" position (times/sec)

- duration of the swimming movements on back with moving extremities, sec

- swimming length and trajectory on the pool surface (рicture):

Total Σ of meters:

Artistic impact:

- artistic skills (1/0)

- conformity of fulfilled motions with musical accompaniment (1/0)

Σ points:

Total composition duration, min

Total time of breath-holding, sec

Total quantity of connective elements

Total quantity of swimming

Total quantity of egbite

Total Σ of points:


  1. It was established that the free routine programs of the strongest athletes in Europe and of the world consist of many complex elements, a variety of rotations, push-ups, and connective elements of only medium complicated and complicated level. The total time of breath-holding makes up 40% of the time of the whole free routine composition;
  2. To increase the technical complexity of free routine composition athletes use a variety of walking motions in egbite, though much less swimming motions on the back, sides, etc.;
  3. Furthermore, it was identified that there are four options of the complicated elements distribution by the minutes of the free routine composition performance, used by athletes, but their application depend on the level of physical, technical and tactical preparedness;
  4. And basing on that we identified the main components of the program performance, as measured by the judges: the basic elements of composition, connective elements, their complexity and quality, artistic impression. Besides, it was developed that the approach to technical complexity estimation of free routine composition in synchronized swimming provides analysis for structural elements of the free routine program.


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Информация об авторах:

Шульга Людмила Михайловна
Национальный университет физического воспитания и спорта Украины
ул. Физкультуры 1, г.Киев, 03680, Украина

Рудковская Татьяна Игоревна
Национальный университет физического воспитания и спорта Украины
ул. Физкультуры 1, г.Киев, 03680, Украина

Поступила в редакцию 29.12.2012г.

Information about the authors:

Shulga L.M.
National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine
Fizkultury str. 1, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine.

Rudkovskaya T.I.
National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine
Fizkultury str. 1, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine.

Came to edition 29.12.2012.

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